Valentina LA PAZ !!
【Aug21, 2021 Trip Report #1】
Another hurricane was getting closer before this trip, we had been worring but finished it without any problem. It seems Valentina is very lucky this season.
Here we go the report #1 !!
【Day 1 Guest arrival day】
17:00 Guest arrival, guided to each cabin
17:30 dive equipment preparation
18:30 General orientation and introducing our crew
Free time at Malecon, enjoying Mexican town walk and dinner.
23:00 Everyone on board, Valentina leaving the marina.
【Day 2 Isla Espíritu Santo】
06:30 start of activities
07:00 Orientation of safety and diving on Valentina
08:00 Dive #1 Punta Lobos
Visibility 60fts, water temperture 74F.
First check dive was with little current.
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Dive #2
Seguimos con las mismas condiciones buena visibilidad y temperatura del agua. Buceo con mucha vida arrecifal.
13:00 Dive #3 Swane REEF
Buceo con interacción con Lobos marinos, nudibranquius, gran cantidad de cardúmenes de peces. Buceo divertido.
14:00 Lunch
16:30 Dive #4 FANG MING
Seguimos con buenas condiciones, en este buceo la atracción principal fueron las tortugas que llegan a limpiarse en el barco, además de la gran cantidad de peces.
Muy buen día de buceo.
19:30 Dinner
【Aug21, 2021 Trip Report #2】
【Day 3 Isla San Francisquito y Espíritu Santo】
07:00 activity start
08:00 Dive #1 Lobera de San Francisquito
09:00 Breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Dive #3 El Bajito
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Dive #4 Nocturno con mobulas
First 2 dives at San Francisquito was super fun with lots sea lions.
Visibility 60ft, water temperture 72F.
The third one at El Bajito was with strong current, both visibility and water temperture had dropped.
The night dive with mobulas was not bad but numbers of mobulas was not as much as we expected.
【Aug21, 2021 Trip Report #3】
【Day 4 El Bajo】
07:00 start of activity
08:00 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Dive #2
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Dive #3
16:30 Dive #4
Visibility 60ft、water temperture 72F. Strong current.
Saw lots of reef fish but was not lucky enough to enjoy potential of El Bajo fully with hammerhead sharks.

【Day 5 Isla Cerralvo】
25/AUG/21 La Reina
07:00 start of activity
08:00 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
13:30 Dive #3
14:30 Lunch
16:30 Dive #4
19:00 Dinner
It was with strange condition. Usually La Reina is the dive site with the highest water temperture and the best visibility, this day it was onlyl 30ft visibility and water temperture 72F.
Fish was very active and lots fun but we expected better condition….
【Aug21, 2021 Trip Report #5】
【Day 6 Cabo Pulmo】
06:30 start of activity
07:30 Dive #1
Manos Reef o El Cien
Water temperture was surprising high, 76F at surface and visibility 60ft. At the bottom, temperture and visibility was lower but encounter bull shark was very exiting start of the day.
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Dive #2 el BAJO
Moved to another dive site ‘El Bajo’ . The condition had changed a lot from our first dive, second one was with water temperture 72F, visibility 75F.
Beside lots school of fish, coral was very healthy and beautiful, we enjoyed rich variety of Cabo Pulmo diving.
13:00 Dive #3
This was with great tornado of jack fish. Everyone was so excited to be surrounded by countless jacks, very satisfied, couldn’t get any better.
14:30 Lunch
Navigate to La Rivera.
17:30 Guest desembarking and end of the trip.
18:30 The vessel head back toward La Paz with crew.