Valentina SOCORRO Island !!
【May09, 2021 Trip Report #1】
This trip guest was mainly from Europe, they brought back many nice dive stories.
This group was super lucky team, no doubt this was the best trip during this season!!
Day1 Enbarking day
17:00 Guest arrival, check in to each cabin.
18:30 Staff presentation and general orientation.
19:30 Dinner
22:00 Departure to Socorro islands
It was bit windy with swell during the night.
Day2 Navigation day
08:00 Breakfast
10:30 Briefing of M/V Valentina security and diving
13:00 lunch
15:00 Presentation about Revillagigedo national park and rules to dive in the park
19:00 Dinner and next day’s schedule info
23:00 End of activity
Ocean condition was calm nad better than last night.
Day3 Isla San Benedicto (El Cañón)
06:30 Start of acitivity
07:30 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
13:00 Dive #3
14:00 Lunch
16:30 Dive #4
19:00 Dinner and next day’s schedule info
23:00 End of activity
Current was stront, visitility 45ft, water temperture 72F. It was the great first day of diving with active pelagic fish. Mantas, Hammerhead, white tip, silver tip, galapagos, silky, black tip, tiger and also dolphin came with us, we were so satisfied with 4 dives of the day.
【May09, 2021 Trip Report #2】
Day4 San Benedicto ( El Boiler)
06:30 activity start
07:30 Dive #1
09:00 breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
13:00 Dive #3
14:00 lunch
16:00 Dive #4
after 4 dives, start navigationg toward Roca Partida.
19:30 dinner
Good condition with visibility 65ft, water temperture 74F.
We were expecting mantas at this dive site but none of the appeard this day for some reason. Though, we had great 4 dives with lots of fish including school of hammerhead sharks.

Day 5 Roca Partida
06:30 activity start
07:30 Dive #1
09:00 breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
13:00 Dive #3
14:00 lunch
16:30 Dive #4
19:00 dinner
Roca Partida was Roca Partida !! The great day of diving enjoying huge scale of this dive site.
Bit windy and no swell, visibility 100ft, water tempreture 74F, starting with huge school of tunas, fish were very active swimming around the divers.
Sharks school was big, too. Found some hampback whales from the boat, met false killer whale under water and dove with them, it was so perfect and fun, we have decided to dive again next day at same point without doubt.
【May09, 2021 Trip Report #4】
Day 6 Roca Partido
06:30 start of activity
07:30 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
13:00 Dive #3
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Dive #4
19:30 Dinner
Again this was great dive day with beautigul condition. Yesterday was too perfect, we thought it can’t be better than that buuuuuut !!!!! What a surprise, whlae shark !!!! we played with him snorkeling & diving all day long.
【May9, 2021 Trip Report #5】
Best of the best!!!!
Day 7 Isla Socorro CABO PIERCE
06:30 activity start
08:15 Dive #1
09:30 breakfast
11:30 Dive #2
13:00 lunch
14:30 Dive #3
19:30 Dinner
Visibility was not great, water temperture was lower than previous days, other dive boat was with us in area and did 3 dives total.
2days in Roca Partida were spectacular, we were not expecting today to be better than yesterday……… but miracle happened !!!!
Between school of hammerhead shark, mantas, dolphins, something huge appeared ……. whale shark again!!!
All divers was crazy happy
【May9, 2021 Trip Report #6】
Day8 Isla san Benedicto
06:30 activity start
07:30 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
13:00 Dive #3
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Dive #4
19:30 Dinner
As weather report had told us, wind is getting stronger.
Also water condition has been changed, visibility 50ft, water temperture 72F.
Cañón was full of mantas swimming arround surrounded by huge schools of hammerhead sharks and dolphins.
One tiger shark appered very close to divers and finished our last dive day with great success.
Entire trip was just lucky lucky lucky days, we have to say this trip was the best of this season.
Total dive number 23.
After finishing 4 dives, we started navigation back to the port.
Day9 Navigation day
08:00 Breakfast
10:30 Shopping time
13:00 Lunch
14:30 payment
19:00 Dinner
On way back was with strong wind and waves, boat had to go very slow.
Day1o End of the trip and desembarking day
08:00 breakfast and group picture time
10:00 Guests desembarking and transfer to airport and hotels.
Well, the next trip is our last one of this Socorro season.
Hope we will have another great trip to close 2021 season!!