Valentina SOCORRO Island !!
【Mar31, 2021 Trip Report #1】
Here comes new trip report of Valentina cruise March 31st.
This time it was full chartered with one group visiting us from United States, looks like had a great dive cruise!
Day1 Departure
17:00 Guest arrival, guide to each cabin.
18:00 General briefing and introducing our crew.
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Departure toward Revillagigedo.
Departure was on time with good ocean condition with little swells.
Day2 Navigation day
08:00 Breakfast
10:00 Orientation about safety guide on Valentina
13:00 Lunch
16:00 Presentation of Revillagigedo national park
19:00 Dinner and information about next day schedule
23:00 end of activity
Day3 Isla San Benedicto
06:30 start of activity
07:00 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Dive #2
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Dive #3
16:30 Dive #4
19:00 Dinner and next day schedule info
23:00 End of activity
We had started this trip with dive site El Cañón. Visibility 45ft, water temperture 74F, had strong current but definately the visibility got much better than our last trip. Just as same as last trip, fish around El CAÑÓN was very active, we found all kind of sharks from our first day of diving, such as silky, hammer, silver tip, white tip, black tip, galapagos, dusky and also tiger !! Mantas came around but not very friendly this day.
【Mar31, 2021 Trip Report #2】
Day4 Isla Socorro
06:30 start of activity
08:00 Dive #1
09:30 Breakfast
11:00 Dive #2
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Dive #3
14:30 Dive #4
19:30 Dinner
23:30 departure to Isla San Benedicto
The dive site was not as great as we expected. Low visibility and not many to see, we have decided to go back to San Benedicto which was great one day before.
Visibility 30ft, water temperture 70F…. Brrrrrrrrr!!!

Day5 Isla San Benedicto (El Cañón)
07:00 start of activity
07:30 breakfast
09:00 Dive #1
12:00 Dive #2
13:30 lunch
15:00 Dive #3
17:00 Dive #4
19:30 dinner
It was totally right decision to com back to El Cañón. All 4 dives today was great with very active sharks and mantas, good enough to make up for yesterday’s poor dive. Especially condition of our first two dives were perfect. Water temperture 74F, some place with thermocline 70F, visibility 60Ft.
【Mar31, 2021 Trip Report #4】
After several trips not being able to dive at Roca Partida due to bad condition, finally we made it in this trip !!!
Not only our guests, also our guides were so excited to get back here.
Day6 Roca Partida
06:30 start of activity
07:30 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
12:00 Lunch
14:30 Dive #3
16:00 Dive #4
19:00 Dinner
Contidion was great with 75ft visibility and water temperture 74F.
First two dives were a kind of quiet but last two were blast!
This is Roca Partida !!! Fish fish fish fish , big sharks, tunas, jacks etc.
Huge yellow tail was so cool to dive with.
【Mar31, 2021 Trip Report #5】
Day7 Isla San Benedicto (El Boiler)
06:30 start of activity
07:30 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
11:00 Dive #2
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Dive #3
16:30 Dive #4
19:30 Dinner and next day schedule info
El Boiler surprised us with better condition than we imagined, visibility 60ft, wate temperture 73F.
Very active mantas and dolphins showed up, too.
Though dolphins were not very playful this day, school of hammerhead sharks just came very close to divers and stayed around us for a while. So cooooool !!!
【Mar31, 2021 Trip Report #6】
Already the last day of diving. how fast time goes on the liveaboard!
Day8 Isla San Benedicto (El Cañón)
06:30 start of activity
07:30 Dive #1
09:00 Breakfast
10:30 Dive #2
12:30 Dive #3
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Dive #4
Leaving Socorro area toward San Jose.
19:00 Dinner
Ocean condition was still good though last two dives was with strong current with less visibility.
Fish was no same active as yesterday but still all kinds of sharks came up with several mantas !
Our total dive number was #23, so good, yey!
Thank you all our guest that made this trip perfect, looking forward to see you again soon.