We came back to the North Male Atoll for the day 5, the last day of diving for this trip. The 1st dive of the day was at Lankan Reef. We could see a lot of Yellowback Fusiliers and Neon Fusiliers. Their number have kept increasing. Besides gigantic Dogtooth Tunas and Bluefin Trevallies appeared as well. The 2nd dive was at Nassimo Thila. Again, the big school of Neon Fusiliers were seen here as well. And the hunter, GT, Bluefin Trevallies and Dogtooth Tunas too. Every single time the Dogtooth Tunas attempted to attack the Fusiliers, we could hear the roar, made by the big number of Fusiliers’ quick movement. Plus, there were huge Giant Trevallies as big as a big Napoleon! The last dive was at Fish Tank. Suddenly we encountered with a 2-3 meter size of Shark! I could not tell what kind of shark that could be? Looks like a Whitetip? Or Tawny Nurse Shark? It had a unique figure. Even after I looked up with a fish guide book later, still can’t figure it out. Perhaps, it could be a White-cheeked Shark???
By the way, it was really a fun trip! Thank you all for joining us and also for making this trip wonderful. Hope to see you all again!