Maldives Trip Report : FEB. 10-14 2018, North Male, Rasdhoo and South Ari Atoll Route
🎉Happy Lunar New Year
We just came back from a short trip with team “Forest” from Japan. It was from 10-14th February, North Male Atoll, Rasdhoo Atoll, North and South Ari Atoll have been covered in our 3days diving.
We started our first dive at Fish Tank, it is a small Island with a fish factory, the bones and fish skins and some leftover go into the sea 2-3times a day, many smart and also lazy fishes live there to get fatter and fatter day by day.You will find many different kinds of Moray Eels here, Honeycomb Moray, Black Cheek Moray, White-eyed Moray, Giant Moray, Yellow-Margin Moray, Spot-face Moray, Undulate Moray and many more, it is totally a Moray paradise. Sucker fishes, Stingrays, Bannerfishes, baby Barracudas can be spotted here.
Secondly, we went to Rasfari Manta Point, we found 3 Mantas at very shallow depth, 5m.
Third dive of the day at Rasdhoo Madivaru, we faced a little current, middle minus, Giant Tunas, Grey Reef Sharks, playful Bat fishes and Jacks are common here.
On the second day, we tried to search for hammerhead in the early morning at Rasdhoo Madivaru, but we instead met a rare silky sharks!
We moved to Fesdhoo Wreck for the second dive, on the wreck itself, Mantis shrimps, Banded Boxer Shrimps, Durban hinge-beak Shrimps and thin-armed shrimps are common here, Scorpion fishes, Lion fishes live here too. Move to the reef next to the wreck, you will find countless Anemones, in pink, purple or blue, on this colorful reef, nudibranches are always there.
Last dive of the day at Mantas home, Moofushi Manta Point, it was a totally amazing dive with 12 mantas, they stayed with us the whole dives, the cleaning station starts from 15m down to 23m, they were just all around the big rock! At the bottom of 27m, many white tip sharks lying around there, the yellow leaf fish living at 20m is the one I also love to visit once a week, the stone fish who used to live at 10m between the rocks are now gone, I’m sad.
We tried to do a night dive with Mantas at Fesdhoo Goni, but unfortunately they didn’t come to say hi.
Last day of the trip, we were at south Ari atoll playing hide and seek games with everyones’ LOVE – whale sharks. We met him once at snorkeling, and he passed by above us at 10m when we were at 20m, we sometimes wish him swim little bit slower so we can enjoy a minute with him. On our last dive near Maamigili Island, we met a “GREAT HAMMERHEAD” at 25m!!!! He is big and we love him!!!😍
After all 9dives together, we had a beach BBQ together in the evening before we moved back to Male.
It was a great trip, we hope to dive with you guys again.🎈
The weather was all good, water temperature was about 28-30℃, 3mm Wetsuit would be enough.