#Maldives Trip Report : OCT. 28-NOV.4 2017, #NorthernExplorer Vol.5
Hi! I am still in the report of our very special trip, called “Northern Explorer!” This route allows us to scuba dive in these 9 Atolls includes, #Baa Atoll, #Raa Atoll, #Shaviyani Atoll, #Noonu Atoll, #Lhaviyani Atoll and #Male Atoll.
The day 5, we were in #Baa Atoll. Baa Atoll is well known as the great spot to encounter with Manta Rays in the rainy season. The 1st dive of the day was at Dhegaa Thila. The 2nd – Hanifaru Rock, the 3rd and the 4th were at Dharavandhoo Corner. Even though it was as expected but still it was amazing to encounter with a dozen of Manta Ray at most at a time! Besides, we encountered with a Whale Shark during the safety stop in the 4th dive! It was such a satisfying day! The air temperature was 26-33 deg.C. The water temperature was 28-29 deg.C. The 3mm wetsuit was recommended. To be continued…